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Blue Pre-Tied Silk Bow Tie and Deep Blue Braces Set

SGD 79.90

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In stock – Shipping SGD 6.00 - Free over SGD 105.00
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  • Pre-tied for convenience
  • Clip and button fasteners
  • Adjustable for comfort

Boast a timeless look with this bow tie and braces set, designed for a touch of vintage charm. Comes pre-tied bow and adjustable strap, as well as the option of button or clip fastenings for the braces.

ID: 32287
Product ID14977Show more
Designed inDenmarkShow more
Product supplier contractShow more
WarrantyShow more
ColorsBlueShow more
Color shadesNavy blue, TerracottaShow more
MaterialsGenuine leather, Polyester elastic, Zinc alloyShow more
Product packagingsSignature boxShow more
Width3.5cmShow more
Weight161gShow more
Product ID17463Show more
Designed inDenmarkShow more
Product supplier contractShow more
WarrantyShow more
ColorsBlueShow more
Color shadesBaby blue, Canary yellow, Light blue, Navy blue, True orangeShow more
MaterialsSilk (100%)Show more
Typepre-tied-bowtiesShow more
Product packagingsSignature boxShow more
Width6cmShow more
Length11.5cmShow more
Weight9gShow more