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How to Fold a Pocket Square | The 3 Point Crown Pocket Square Fold

The 3 Point Crown Folding Instructions

  1. Smooth the pocket square onto a flat surface.
  2. Fold diagonally to create a triangle.
  3. Fold up one of the bottom corners.
  4. Do the same with the other one.
  5. Fold in the side corner.
  6. Fold in the other side corner.
  7. Fold up the bottom to create the base.
  8. Insert gently into your jacket pocket.

About The 3 Point Crown Pocket Square Fold

This fold is timeless and sophisticated. It works best with solid coloured pocket squares and looks amazing when paired with a double-breasted jacket.

Explore More Folds

If you need more folds, head on over to our article: 52 Ways to Fold a Pocket Square.