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How to Fold a Pocket Square | The Double Presidential Pocket Square Fold

The Double Presidential Folding Instructions

  1. Smooth out two pocket squares.
  2. Fold both in half to form two rectangles.
  3. Place one on top of the other, allowing the bottom one to show slightly.
  4. Fold the top rectangle's right side in on itself.
  5. Do the same with the left side.
  6. Wrap the bottom rectangle's right side around the top one.
  7. So the same with the left side.
  8. Place in your jacket pocket and wear it with authority.

About The Double Presidential Pocket Square Fold

You don’t have to be the head of state to sport this executive fold. Just grab two complementary pocket squares and fold away.

Explore More Folds

If you need more folds, head on over to our article: 52 Ways to Fold a Pocket Square.